Dr. Michael Williamson



Dr Michael Williamson is a consultant psychiatrist and psychotherapist now working in private practice after a lengthy experience in the public mental health system. He was one of the foundation members of the Australian & New Zealand Association of Psychotherapy and twice New South Wales President. He has been Clinical Director of a number of Areas of the New South Wales Mental Health Service. Dr Williamson has had extensive experience in the psychotherapy of severe Borderline Personality Disorder and developmental trauma-based psychological illnesses, as well as military and police PTSD.

He is a long-term member of the Faculty of the University of Sydney Master of Medicine Program which teaches the Conversational Model an evidence-based approach for working with complex trauma, personality disorders and treatment resistant depression. He was a Senior Lecturer in Psychiatry at the University of Newcastle, Australia, and Clinical Associate Professor of Psychiatry at the University of Western Sydney before moving to private practice.


Dr Eileen Vuong


Dr Nishant Wankhede