Dr. Michael Williamson
Dr Michael Williamson is a consultant psychiatrist and psychotherapist now working in private practice after a lengthy experience in the public mental health system. He was one of the foundation members of the Australian & New Zealand Association of Psychotherapy and twice New South Wales President. He has been Clinical Director of a number of Areas of the New South Wales Mental Health Service. Dr Williamson has had extensive experience in the psychotherapy of severe Borderline Personality Disorder and developmental trauma-based psychological illnesses, as well as military and police PTSD.
He is a long-term member of the Faculty of the University of Sydney Master of Medicine Program which teaches the Conversational Model an evidence-based approach for working with complex trauma, personality disorders and treatment resistant depression. He was a Senior Lecturer in Psychiatry at the University of Newcastle, Australia, and Clinical Associate Professor of Psychiatry at the University of Western Sydney before moving to private practice.